Wednesday, June 12, 2013

KFC Has Never Tasted so GOOD!

Yesterday I told Monica (Mony), the English teacher, that I was hoping to go to San Luis because I needed to buy things that I needed. I mostly need to buy FOOD and WATER. However, yesterday, I did not get to go to the store, and I was completely out of water and needed food. She asked me today if I went to the store, and I told her that unfortunately I did not get to go to the store yesterday.

Mony said she would take me when she got paid. Teachers do not make a lot of money here, so I knew she was telling me the truth. She honestly needed to wait, so I told her that I didn't mind paying for her bus ticket and lunch. Bus tickets are only 25 cents one way, and lunch is only about 4 dollars. I told her I really wanted to go, and when she was free, I would appreciate it if she would show me the bus route to San Luis. San Luis is like the Galleria, and it also has a place that is like Wal-Mart. She asked me if I could go today, and I of course said YES--A MILLION TIMES YES!

The bus stop is about a mile from the Foundation, and I've never been so happy to walk a mile in my life. :) Riding the bus is quite an experience. The bus drivers never come to a complete stop, and you just have to jump and hang on until you find a seat. When we arrived in San Luis, we went to the food court first. 

The food court has a lot of choices, and I bet you will never guess what I chose to eat...Chicken fingers and fries at KFC. I guess I will always be a southern girl no matter where I live. :) I would probably never have chosen KFC at home. I must admit that I don't really even like it that much. However, this has been my first true meal since Sunday. You can imagine that chicken never tasted so good!  They also have a Chinese restaurant too, so I wouldn't mind trying this place the next time I go.  Mony and I had a great conversation, and I think she enjoyed the companionship. I enjoyed listening to her tell about the Foundation and life in Ecuador. 

When we finished eating, we walked around the mall. The mall has a movie theater, lots of stores, and coffee shops. She and I talked about getting coffee and going to the movies soon. Before we left, we went to the Super Maxi. I bought a loaf of bread, peanut butter, chex mix, cookies, pretzels, kleenex, and detergent. The Super Maxi does have American products as well; however, they are more expensive. For example, Gain and Tide detergents cost about $15 for the smallest container, and Jiff peanut butter costs about $10 for a small container. I did splurge on the peanut butter because I figured I would be eating bread and peanut butter a lot in my apartment; however, I bought the cheaper detergent because I still have lots of Tide travel size detergents that I brought from home. 

I bought two bottles of water from the school. I bought all they had, and I'm going to ask Hermano Miguel if he will take me to get the big 6 liter jugs. I knew that I could not carry 6 liter jugs, so I opted to wait to ask about the water. I'm going to ask about water tonight. I can always keep buying bottles of water at the school until someone can take me to the store. 

When we were ready to leave, Mony asked me if I felt safe riding the bus back home. I told her I would prefer if she ride with me. She usually takes a different bus home, but I wanted to make sure I knew  how to get back to the Foundation. The buses don't advertise their stops, and you just have to be ready to jump out. When we returned to my bus stop station, she and I went our separate ways. I walked a mile back to the Foundation, and she took another bus home. On the way home, I saw many convenient stores that sold Cokes and Water, so if I need these essentials in the future, I can walk to buy them. 

I don't know that I would feel completely comfortable taking the bus by myself, but I'm sure I would feel more comfortable once I take the bus a couple more times. I'm so thankful for Mony; She is truly a gift from God. She has become a friend, and I don't know what I would do without her. I'm also thankful that God has provided a way for me to get food and water. He has definitely answered all of my prayers, and I'm truly blessed!


  1. Hooray!! What a blessing. I was just praying for you this morning so I am happy to hear you got food. I am sure that was the most delicious chicken ever!!! Glad you found the bus routes too!! Loved talking to you this week.

  2. So wonderful to see your face and talk to you (and those precious kiddos).

  3. So glad you got some good fast food! All that walking plus your diet- I'm not going to recognize you when you return.
